I have found a way to cheat on making homemade candy for my food allergic folks.
It's easy -=- but it helps to have the right "equipment"-- which in this case is:
- WILTON's ceramic candy melting cups-- available at Michael's crafts stores/ Joann's for under $12.00.
- Vermont Nut Free semisweet chocolate chips [in baking products section]
- Vermont Nut Free dark chocolate candies [coins are what I use]
- mini cupcake liner cups -- I like the foil ones
- mini cupcake baking pan-- OPTIONAL
So, I set up the little gold foil cup liners in my mini-cupcake pan. Then I melted the two kinds of chocolate together, exactly as the directions on the Melting Cups said.
While the chocolates were melting, I put a mini marshmallow or two in each foil cup-- it actually cuts the sweetness. When the chocolate was pourable, I poured enough to half-way full for each foil cup-- and put it all in the fridge.
About an hour later... handmade, homemade candy-- which everyone loved. and the gold foil cupcake holders (minis) made the treat a little more fun.
Happy Easter!