I know the idea of roasting in the heat of summer does not sound like a good one. But, go with me here.
I roast my vegetables early in the morning. It's cooler outside, and I take advantage of multitasking, since the vegetables cook while I'm getting ready for the day.
Roasted broccoli especially can be served/ eaten at room temperature. So once the cooking is done-- no more heat.
Here's what I do:
One head of broccoli-- which in the Northeast has been stellar this summer
Cut about two inches off the heavy stems and throw that part away. Then, with a sharp knife, slice the head from stem and strip the thick rind off the stem.
( I strip the rind off the smaller parts too, because that's how my Italian grandmother did it)
Cut the head into smaller piece and place in a roasting pan or a pie tin. Rinse with water-- retaining a little water in the bottom drizzle Olive oil over the broccoli and toss the pieces with a spoon or your hands to them. Cover loosely with foil.
Roast in a 450 oven for 30 minutes. The last few you can remove the foil to get the vegetables more crispy.
I also roast-- separate from the broccoli-- carrots ( two inch "Fingers"), onions quartered, celery, potatoes ( halved them halved again), sweet potatoes, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower-- broken up.
Some folks roast beets-- I'd quater or half them to help them cook-- or even cabbage, especially with onions.
So easy and ready to serve
With anything from fish, steak to
Or for those of you who like your vegetables raw: make a deconstructed salad and let your family build their own. Chopped lettuce, halved endive, sliced radishes , tomato chunks (if allowed) and
Ribbons of carrots, maybe olives and
Cucumber rounds, jicama -- you get the picture: whatever!
Happy summer.