Monday, October 28, 2013

Come to the Teen Summit

Coming up November 15-17. FARE's Teen Summit:  Washington DC-- a whole weekend  of People Who Get It!!! 
Other folks who know how to bring food everywhere with them.  Who can give you tips about traveling or school trips or how to make eggless birthday cake. 
  And kids making friends with others kids-- just like them--Kids who carry Epi-pens and who read ingredients like experts. 
  Teen Summit has two days of presentations by experts -- with PhDs and RNs and MDs-- and the other experts-- us! Kids, moms and dads who have been living and thriving with food allergies. 
  The kids role-play how to safely order in restaurants; they hear from mentors about dating and life away from home; they Q & A with chefs and doctors, and they exchange ideas among themselves. 
 There's so much information exchanged and so many new friends made-- it's wonderful.
  I have friends from the first Teen Summit 7 years ago. Friends I can call anytime for new recipes. For a shoulder to cry on. For advice on OIT or college dining halls. These friends-- scattered all over the country-- have been invaluable. Those friends make the Teen Summit amazing. Plus, there's the joy of seeing all these  kids finally-- finally--at ease,  not having to explain themselves or their allergies to anyone because everyone there gets it. 
  Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Olive oil Frying!

So the New York Times finally agrees with me -- and got on board with frying in olive oil. Today's Dining section discusses at great length that A. Olive oil won't burn at 350 degrees -- a good temp for frying. B. Olive oil frying better for you than oils with chemicals-- like some soy  or other vegetable oils. 
Olive is more expensive too BTW. AND -- don't use extra virgin, but the grade lower which is regular cooking oil. 
And-- it's delicious!
I gave these tips  last January as I fried chicken for my son to take back to college!
 Yay me!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

College Cooking!

Off he went, with a frying pan* in one hand and a sheaf of recipes in the other. 
So at College: students can eat better -- especially a food allergic student-- with a kitchen than they can eat in the dining halls. Or at least a food allergic student with multiple allergies can. 

Nutrition, variety, safety -- all of these are easier when the food's home cooked. 
Time management, clean up not so much. 
Socializing and community-- a whole new world.  

Like anything new, you have to see what works. Maybe taking lunch or inviting friends over for potluck, or eating before you head to classes. Whatever works. 
  Right now it's great to get texts asking how long chicken needs to cook-- or hearing that a home cooked dinner was delicious! 

Remember-- Any strategy can work, it's trial and error. Just like learning to cook: Sometimes it's burned. Sometimes it's pink. And sometimes, Goldilocks-- it's just right!

 *FYI. Those Revereware pans ain't what they used to be. Not so sturdy and a little light. Just saying.