Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Martha Stewart, sweet potato latkes and Cheyenne Jackson

So, I know I've been posting a lot-- but it's Thanksgiving and there's lots of cooking going on. I'm here listening to Cheyenne Jackson and making, since it's  Thanksgiving and Hanukah, 
Sweet potato latkes--
Martha Stewart's recipe uses sweet potatoes and Yukon gold-- 2:1 ratio. I used that, onion, a food processer, salt & pepper and Gluten Free Pantry cake and cookie mix. And, as I've said before, I fry in  olive oil. And viola-- hours later, sweet potato latkes for 14!

 And I made my mushroom stuffing already-- Rice Chex pulverized( instead of bread crumbs) (and toasted gluten free bread food processed) Lots of chopped garlic, parsley and salt and pepper. 

Day of: Drizzle oil in the mushroom tops-- take out the stems. Generously Pour in this stuffing and drizzle again-- water and oil is good. Bake until they bubble and smell great! 350 for about a half an hour. 
 I'm putting my feet up now!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Dealing with Everyday Life

So over last weekend at the Teen Summit I met and chatted and laughed with many other moms and dads about food allergies and how to deal with everyday life. 
 And one note that struck me was that ALL of us had something, some food, that was perfectly safe and fine for our kid-- but that wouldn't fall under " best practices. "
For example: one mom told me her kid ate fast food fries from one place that supposedly has " may contain trace amounts of..." On the ingredient list. Has always been safe -- before the labeling and after-- so  she will continue to eat it-- expands the limited possibilities. 
 And another mom said:" we have peanut butter in the house, and the younger kid takes PB&J for lunch-- but we use a different  counter, separate utensils and only make it when older allergic one is in another room. "
    Concessions are necessary, I think, to keep us sane. If my child has not had a reaction to a diner hamburger in the hundreds of times he's eaten at different diners, I'm going to go with it -- and believe them when they say the burgers are not cooked on the same grill as the eggs are fried. That keeps me sane-- of course if the place looks dicey or the initial answers seem no good -- then it's fresh turkey or a salad. But I'd say that in the last five years( who can remember before that!) NO reactions have occurred. And many burgers -- sitting with friends or family-- have been consumed. 
  Of course I'm not saying don't be safe or don't ask and look and check it out-- DO all those things -- but aslo accept the good outcome when it happens and run with it. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Everybody here "gets it"

A quote from one of the teens at The Teen Summit. 
And it's true-- I'm seeing old friends, making new friends. The kids have ditched us parents and have forged their own battalion. Everything is good. 
 I met a group of moms last night who have an email chain where they share ideas etc every month. 
 And I met a mom who is sure her daughter will warm to the weekend when she sees that other kids in the room-- unlike at school-- have been to the hospital after using an EpiPen. And kids who have more allergies than she does. 
That's what this is all about. And now, with social media-- Facebook, texting, email, chat spaces and Instagram--These kids can keep in touch and be one big support group. 